- From: Adrian Havill <havill@threeweb.ad.jp>
- Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 18:58:10 +0900
- To: www-jigsaw@w3.org
Anselm Baird_Smith wrote: > - Jigsaw is yours ! If you have comments, ideas whatever else let me > know, I will probably start by writing pages about what this new > design that should be use as a starting point for discussions Feature Request! Is it possible for the HTTP Admin interface to be internationalized and the HTML standardized? === In regards to standardization, use only Wilbur (ditch the frames... they look horrible in both the current version of Amaya and HotJava). === In regards to internationalization, can three properties can be added to the Administration system which affects internationalization. Something kinda like this: <FORM ACTION="URL" METHOD=POST> <TABLE BORDER> <CAPTION>Locale Control for Admin</CAPTION> <TR> <TH>Administration System Language</TH> <TD> <SELECT NAME=lang SIZE=1> <OPTION VALUE=en SELECTED>English</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=fr>French</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=de>German</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=ja>Japanese</OPTION> </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TH>Input From Client</TH> <TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=incharset SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=256 VALUE=iso-8859-1></TD> </TR> <TR> <TH>Output To Client</TH> <TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=outcharset SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=255 VALUE=utf-8></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=apply VALUE=Apply> <INPUT TYPE=RESET NAME=cancel VALUE=Cancel> </FORM> (The languages above are only examples... in the ideal model, the interface could be easily expanded by users) IOW, an Admin page which sets the character set it will receive in a GET or POST, and a setting for what filter to run the internal Unicode through for the output, along with the proper "Content-Type: text/html; charset=xxxxxx"? Support for languages other than English would be great too.... I'm sure more than one person would be happy to volunteer translations for needed languages. Also, in using the term "alpha," I expected Jigsaw to change in ways that make it incompatible with previous alphas, and look forward to the changes and added features that are made in the name of improvement. If something must become incompatible/deprecated, let it be. That's why it's called "alpha." Built in Unicode and internationalization support are fine features of Java that make programmers across the globe click their heels. As Jigsaw is taking advantage of the strengths of Java, I'm hoping it will also incorporate internationalization in the administration system as well. -- Adrian Havill <http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/> Engineering Division, System Planning & Production Section
Received on Thursday, 17 April 1997 05:59:16 UTC