Re: Default html file, index?

Aran Clary wrote:
> Me again, havin' another problem...
> How do I get jigsaw to send the file index.html instead of a
> directory listing?
>     Aran
Very easy:
	Point your Browser to Admin/Editor/dir/
	Follow link Attributes (end of page)
	There is a field index, type in: index.html

If you look for a more general way to do this look at 

I can' tell you exactly tell you what to do then, because
when I follow _Add Directory_-link and really try to add
a directory-template, I get a "Document contains no data"

Sorry, I hope it helped a bit.

Maybe somebody else knows more.

Christoph Begall      
NADS GmbH                       NADS - Advertising on Nets
Otto-Hahn-Str. 18               Tel.:  +49 231 975 123-0
D-44227 Dortmund      

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 1997 14:38:28 UTC