Re[4]: jigsaw as NT Service

 Can you send me a copy of that Note. I also couldn't find SRVANY on the
 latest NT4.0 resources. Is it still there?

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Subject: Re: Re[2]: jigsaw as NT Service
Author: at MEMCPSMTP
Date:    3/19/97 10:33 AM

At 09:36 AM 3/19/97 cst, Bill Woods wrote: 
>        Yes,
>        I would like the sources to this when you are done.
>        By the way, I'm the one who was wondering how to set up Jigsaw as
>        an NT service. The only thing i've found so far is something called 
>        AUTOEXNT from the NT 4.0 resource kit.
The solution that I'm familiar with is SRVANY.EXE in the resource kit. 
There is a note "Run an Application as a Service". 
Christine Tomlinson

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 1997 12:33:17 UTC