Re[2]: jigsaw as NT Service


        I would like the sources to this when you are done.
        By the way, I'm the one who was wondering how to set up Jigsaw as
        an NT service. The only thing i've found so far is something called
        AUTOEXNT from the NT 4.0 resource kit.

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Subject: Re: jigsaw as NT Service
Author: at MEMCPSMTP
Date:    3/19/97 8:38 AM

I would be very interested in such an enhancement to jigsaw. Do you know if is compatible with runtimes other than from MS?
At 12:13 PM 3/19/97 +0100, Juergen Hofmann wrote: 
>I saw in the mailing archives some mails concerning running Jigsaw as a 
>NT service. Anyhow, the proposols that where made there did not allow to 
>start and stop the service (if I am right?). I was going to implement 
>some support for this via the Microsoft Java SDK, because this would 
>allow a "real" service.
>Has anybody done so up to now? Anybody interested to get the sources, 
>when I am ready?
>Juergen Hofmann (
>Bibliotheksrechenzentrum Niedersachsen, D-37073 Goettingen 
>Tel. +49 551 39 52 64
>FAX +49 551 39 24 08

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 1997 10:46:45 UTC