Directory Template Creation Problem with IE3.01/Win95

Isn't this one the last minute problem of 1.0alpha5 ? Delete line 89
of file w3c/jigsaw/indexer/ which should be

put("store", getResourceStore());

And recompile, etc I am still planning to put out an upgraded file.

Daniel Lee writes:
 > Hi,
 >     Using "/Admin/Directories/Add+directory" via the forms based editor to 
 > add a directory results in "cannot open ... server returned invalid or 
 > unrecognized response". This happens for both "DirectoryResource" and 
 > "PassDirectory" resources. Same thing happens if the URL is entered 
 > manually from the browser.
 >     I seem to be able to add a resource to, say, the "User" resource using 
 > the "PassDirectory" resource. Then with the addition of  a "java" file 
 > extension I can attach the Jigsaw source files and browse them.
 > Dan Lee

Received on Saturday, 1 March 1997 08:39:15 UTC