Client Authorization Request & More General Mechanisms

Paul Pazandak writes:
 > Hello,
 > What portion of code causes the authorization screen to be displayed on
 > the client asking for username & password?  (I am assuming that this
 > mechanism
 > is supported by HTTP). I have had a hard time tracking this down.
 > In addition, is there a more general mechanism available to request
 > information
 > from the user, _after_ the request is made but _prior_ to sending the
 > reply?  E.g. the
 > user asks for document foo.html & the server responds first with "what's
 > your favorite
 > color?"  Selecting "blue" from a list results a reply containing the
 > document foo.html
 > whose text is now blue.'s the mechanism that's important here,
 > this is just an
 > illustrative example!

You may want to check cookie support in Jigsaw (along with server side
include it allows to do that kind of things). I wrote an example of
that which will be (if not already) in w3c.jigsaw.filters


Received on Wednesday, 27 August 1997 05:43:38 UTC