Tie up between CacheFilter and CachedResource

Mahesh Joshi writes:
 > Hi,
 > I am trying to re-use Jigsaw's Client side caching mechanism (and code) and have
 > hit a block.
 > Basically I am trying to use Jigsaw's caching mechanism from a seperate
 > filter(which implements PropRequestFilter ). i.e I want to set-up my own cache
 > which has very different properties requirements from the default CacheFilter
 > cache. However,storage and retrieval of objects to & from this cache can be same
 > as CacheFilter..
 > Everything went well except for the fact that  there is a very strong tie-up
 > between a  CachedResource Object and the CacheFilter Object.
 > A CachedResource (and VaryCachedResource) expect an object of type CacheFilter
 > in their constructor.
 > >>   CachedResource(CacheFilter filter, Request request, Reply reply)
 >  >>throws IOException  (from CachedResource.java)
 > I am quite puzzled by this strong tie-up. There are about half-a-dozen functions
 > that CachedResource needs access to through CacheFilter and all these could
 > easily be made into an interface. This will enable anybody(who implements the
 > Interface) to use CachedResource and the caching storage & retrieval mechanism
 > can be made completely re-usable.
 > Are there any architectural issues why the implementation is done in this
 > particular manner? (or was it just lack of time :-))

Lack of time maybe, lack of imagination for sure: I never thought
CachedResource could be used outside of the CacheFilter. If you're on
that track and come back with a nice intreface, we will be happy to
reshape the code as needed


Received on Monday, 18 August 1997 07:07:45 UTC