
Dave Makower writes:
 > Dear Anselm, Yves, et. al.:
 > In Jigsaw 1.0a5, both SimpleResourceStore and jdbmResourceStore have a
 > method called markUsed(), which calls ResourceStoreManager.markUsed(token).
 > The token is something created on initialization, that only the
 > ResourceStoreManager and the ResourceStore itself know about, so it's
 > necessary to have the version without parameters that can be called by
 > other objects to mark a ResourceStore as used.  It seems to me that this
 > method should really be declared one level up, in ResourceStore, enabling
 > some resources to do the following:
 >     getResourceStore().markUsed();
 > Otherwise, they have to do the following, very dirty and type-unsafe, trick:
 >     SimpleResourceStore s = (SimpleResourceStore) getResourceStore();
 >     s.markUsed();

Hi Dave,

Even though they are indeed design bugs in the store APIs (that was
one of our motivation for trying to go for 2.0 - to make a long story
short ;-); I am wondering how you fall into a situation were this
needs to be done. The intent for that API was that only a resource
itself knows wether it has changed or not, hence calls to markUsed can
only occur within a resource that just changed.

I am probably missing something here...


Received on Wednesday, 23 July 1997 11:35:41 UTC