Re: Some Questions...

On Tue, 15 Jul 1997, wplatzer wrote:

> Hi Anselm,
> 1) I am investigating the possibility of using Jigsaw for a bigger 
> project and therefore I would like to know when the next release of 
> Jigsaw will be available?

The next member release is scheduled for July 31th. The next public 
release will be one month later.

> 2) I tried to run two servers with the same root using the following 
> config files: 
> Everything seems to work OK, but is this the right way of doing it?

Having two servers sharing the same stores might lead you to some 
problems, it is better to avoid this. To avoid that, you can define the 
config directory of the other server in the property file, the property 
name is "w3c.jigsaw.config", or if you want to share the same files 
except the store, you can have a finer grain by using ""

> 3) How can I create a new root for the second server (stores, dirs.db, ...) ?
Just copy the configuration files elsewhere (taken from the distribution 
if you want to start from scratch)

> 4) Is there a way of accessing the socket of an incomming request?

Yes, on the server side:
Will return the socket input stream. Be aware though that by doing that 
you circumvent Jigsaw management of the socket...
The servlet implementation does this, you may want to have a look at how 
it handles it by looking at w3c.jigsaw.servlets

> 5) Where can I find a "Powerd by Jigsaw" picture?

On, there is such an image, courtesy of Matt Cohen 
      /\        E tae koe ki Aotearoa kaua e whawhai; e u koe ki uta,
  /\ /  \       kei mahi ki tai ki Tu, puhia he angina; e mau ki tai
 /  \    \/\    ki Noho, he huhu, he pepe, he hanehane.
/    \   /  \        - Yves Lafon - W3C / INRIA - -

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 1997 04:26:32 UTC