Re: Proxy bug?

Sake Hogeveen writes:
 > Peter McIlroy writes:
 > >  think I found the cause of the proxy failure:
 > > Apparently the Socket() class in JDK1.1 (and 1.02) is broken
 > > for DEC alphas.... Running on a Solaris2.5, the problems go
 > > away. 
 > I have managed to get Jigsaw 1.0alpha5 running as a proxy with
 > JDK 1.0.2 on an Alpha running Digital Unix 4.0.
 > Initially, I encountered the same problems Peter did, but these
 > were due to my consistent use of the wrong URL to configure the
 > server. I used the URL http://xxx:8001/ (as you would for a
 > local Web server on machine xxx), but you HAVE TO use the full
 > URL, i.e., http://a.b.c.d:8001/ (that is the one which Jigsaw
 > produces when you start it the first time from the command line).
 > Th error consistently reproduces with Jigsaw under Windows 95
 > (JDK 1.1.3).

This is indeed correct; I wouldn't qualify that as a bug though (well,
as long as documentation bugs are not considered bugs ;-)


Received on Tuesday, 15 July 1997 08:25:42 UTC