Re: Firewalls and proxy servers

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Bharathi Subramanian wrote:

> I am trying to set up a proxy server so that I can monitor all 
> request and replies. I would like to process the replies and possibly

> At present, I have am having trouble with our firewall. At TI, all 
> requests to sites outside of TI have to go through a firewall machine. 
> How do I set up Jigsaw to do that (assuming it is possible)?

You can see the ProxyDispatcher in package w3c.www.protocol.http.cache
You can define a configuration file for it with the following rules: direct

see the ProxyDispatcher page in the Reference Manual

      /\        E tae koe ki Aotearoa kaua e whawhai; e u koe ki uta,
  /\ /  \       kei mahi ki tai ki Tu, puhia he angina; e mau ki tai
 /  \    \/\    ki Noho, he huhu, he pepe, he hanehane.
/    \   /  \        - Yves Lafon - W3C / INRIA - -

Received on Friday, 11 July 1997 18:14:33 UTC