Re: JDBC & Jigsaw

At 01:35 am 27/02/97 -0000, you wrote:
>Anybody doing any ("serious") work with Jigsaw using JDBC?
My name is Kevin Hill and I work for a small consultancy come software house
called Knight Fisk Ltd. We are based in Cambridge, UK. I am doing some
investigative work on active web content and database-enabled Java applets
for a client, with a Microsoft SQL server database running on an NT
workstation as the data source.

>What tools/toolkits/etc. are you using and on which platforms?
I have a short-term evaluation license for Connect Software's FastForward
all java JDBC driver, which is performing flawlessly and has allowed me to
code examples of both client-side and server-side database access.

I haven't given many details as, at the moment, things are very much in the
early stages. However, if you have an questions, ask away.

Kevin Hill (
Knight Fisk Ltd.				Phone: 01223 508200
Kett House, Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2JX.    Fax:   01223 576015

Note: Where opinions are expressed, they are not necessarily
      concordant with those of the directors of Knight Fisk Ltd.

Received on Friday, 28 February 1997 13:09:51 UTC