Re: Jigsaw shutdown

Even easier than my first suggestion is a Java program that simply creates
a URL as follows:

try {
	URL exitURL = new URL("http://yourserver:8001/Admin/Exit");
	InputStream whoCares = exitURL.openStream();
} catch (Exception dontCare) {

>You coud always write a program (really easy to do in Java) that would open
>up a socket to the server machine on the port that Jigsaw is running on,
>and send the following String to the socket:
>"GET /Admin/Exit HTTP/1.0\r\r"

|    Dave Makower     |   |   WWW Specialist    |
|     Co-author of "Java Programming Basics" (Henry Holt/MIS:Press)   |
|                          |
|   Pencom Web Works               |   (212) 513-7777   voice         |
|   Pencom Systems Inc.            |   (212) 513-1975   fax           |
|   40 Fulton St.                  |                                  |
|   New York, NY  10038            |         |

Received on Thursday, 27 February 1997 10:11:18 UTC