Performance and scalability of Jigsaw

Francois Deza writes:
 > Anselm,
 > We tested the performance of Jigsaw upon simultaneous
 > transactions againt Netscape, Apache and Jeeves.
 > Our conclusion is that Jigsaw is right now not very scalable.
 > For instance, with the Stresser utilitity provided in the 
 > distribution of Jigsaw we see the following results.

Lots of comments :-)

- To start with, the Stresser is not the tool to use for benchmarking
  (in fact it would be the bottleneck)
- Not included in 1.0alpha5 (because I wanted it to be compatible with
  1.0.2) is a call to setNoDelay (grep JAVA11 in
  w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd, and uncomment if you're using java11). This
  causes severe performance penalty, particularly on a LAN.
- The logger is still a bit of a bottle neck in Jigsaw, I will
  (hopefully) have time to enhance it.
- If you want to see really a serious benchmark check

  Even though this page is about HTTP performances, you can use it to
  get some rough idea as to how Jigsaw compares to Apache.

- Also, directory listings are much slower in Jigsaw than in Apache,
  make sure you run your benchmark on files
- Lastly, I would be very interested in getting performance numbers
  that take into account SSI, authentification, or that kind of
  features. (SSI would be particularly interesting, I expect Jigsaw to
  beat any other server, by far, on that topic)
- par=100 is not recommended with the default config of Jigsaw, you
  should fiddle with the socket client properties before playing that
  kind of games (quite a difficult task, let us know if you try it)
- The last bug (failed to accept), is either a Java or a solaris bug (
 I can't remember which one of them), 
- jdk1.1final (which will run Jigsaw at least on unix) is the one to
  pick for benchmarking on unix, on windows use symantec cafe jit

With all this in mind, I am eager to hear your opinion ;-)


 > For Jigsaw with par = 10:
 > Total request: 411
 > Total time   : 61328
 > Req/sec      : 6.7016697104096
 > detailed results:
 > http://saggitaire:8001/: s=1046 t=1.4779268292682928 f=0 t=605950 c=410
 > For Apache with par = 10:
 > Total request: 2694
 > Total time   : 60157
 > Req/sec      : 44.78281829213558
 > detailed results:
 > http://saggitaire:80/: s=523 t=0.22259041960638695 f=0 t=599436 c=2693
 > For Jigsaw with par = 100:
 > Jigsaw crashed with the following exceptions,
 > client-5: caught ClientException: [w3c.jigsaw.http.ClientException]
 > Resource temporarily unavailable
 > [http-server] failed to accept incoming connection on
 > ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8001]
 > [http-server] linux/ refused (overloaded).
 > For Apache with par = 100:
 > Total request: 2957
 > Total time   : 65434
 > Req/sec      : 45.1905737078583
 > detailed results:
 > http://saggitaire:80/: s=523 t=1.6727302182810366 f=24 t=4904445 c=2932
 > Could you please comment on that.
 > I mean do you have suggestions on solutions to this scalability issue.
 > I really find Jigsaw a fantastic product.
 > My only concern right now is its scalability.
 > Francois
 > -- 
 > Sincerely yours,
 > -------------------------------------------------------
 > Francois Deza
 > Corporate R&D  
 > Sema Group                tel:   33 - 1 - 40 92 43 16
 > 16, rue Barbes            fax:   33 - 1 - 40 92 42 41
 > 92126 Montrouge Cedex   
 > France                    
 > secretary: Beth Gould
 > tel:       33 - 1 - 40 92 42 18
 > email:
 > -------------------------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 21 February 1997 06:58:22 UTC