Re:out of the box behavior

At 10:38 AM +1000 21/2/97, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
>I just downloaded alpha5 (zip version) onto my win95 box running jdk1.02
>and unzipped it.
>from inside the unzipped directory I type:
>java w3c.jigsaw.Main -root jigsaw
>It loads the properties and then gives an error:
>Unable to load dll unix.dll
>I was able to find the source for unix.c and the binary
>Is there a precompiled unix.dll available?
>In any case, why should I need C code.  I thought the whole point of
>jigsaw was to stay platform independent.

Not sure why it does look for it, but unix code stuff is supposed to be
trigered only if -user -group or -chroot was given on command line (this
was basically so that Jigsaw could run on port 80 on unix - as in start as
root and then change to other user/group ID).

You should not need unix.dll at all. It should just never be called or even
if called (by you giving -user params) Jigsaw should just exit with a
warning message.

The error could be from an optimistic classloader(should not) or from a
Jigsaw bug (but the code seem to be clean).

What is the runtime you are using on Win95?


Received on Thursday, 20 February 1997 20:21:37 UTC