Directory templates

I have installed Jigsaw 1.0alpha5 on AIX 4.2. While playing around 
according to W3C's Administration Guide, 
I tried to associate a directory 
name with a ressource class with /Admin/DirectoryTemplates. My Netscape 
3.01 didn't find /Admin/DirectoryTemplates, so I chose the closest URL: 
/Admin/Directories (via Frames).
There, I tried to add the directory name "Writable" by following the 
instructions in the Guide.
After confirming my inputs, I received the following error from Jigsaw
"- No Object Data", which means: "The remote server closed the connection 
before sending any data.".
Does anybody knows, if /Admin/Directories is the analogy to 
/Admin/DirectoryTemplates and if I found a bug.



Received on Wednesday, 19 February 1997 10:50:37 UTC