Re:mail archive

At 8:39 PM +1000 24/1/97, Jan Bernard van Doorn wrote:
>Somewhat unrelated: it >would< be nice if one could download the
>archive in one fell swoop.

I could provide a fast solution for Eudora users. I am on the mailing list
since 7 Jun 1996 and I have all my messages as a Eudora folder (thanks to
filters...). I could send it to any interested party.

Warning: it is about 2.5 meg.

Potentially, if somebody is a sys admin on a unix box, they could setup a
special account that would archive all the messages arriving to it and
he/she would export that file on their web page/ftp server. That would be a
very nice service.

Any takers? (Me? :-} )

Ps. Is it needed? Reply personally and, if I will get enough replies (>5 ?
:-} ), I will try to setup that (with Eudora mailboxes and if enough people
ask for it with unix mboxes. Specify your preferences).

Pps. I would be very happy if the mailing list originator address did not
change every so often. By now it has changed 3 times (I think) and it is a
bit antiproductive. I would love to know the reason for that change as well.

Received on Friday, 24 January 1997 06:10:25 UTC