Proxying PUTs

Awhile back, I nearly succeeded in making proxied PUTs work.
To do so, I borrowed a few methods from ForwardDirectory,
including w3c.www.protocol.http.Request dupRequest(Request request).
In that method, I set output stream from a local file:

    if (mth.equals("PUT"))
            FileInputStream iStream = new FileInputStream(mypath);
        catch ( x)
            System.out.println("File not found");

The only glitch is, the content length of the remote Jigsaw's
FileResource is always wrong (around 100) when reaches the remote host,
so FileResource.newContent() hangs (in the loop) or only gets
part of the file.

Do you know what I can set locally to ensure that the remote Jigsaw's
FileResource will have the correct content length?

-- Gordon Dakin

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 1997 22:02:56 UTC