Cookie question

Orjan Reinholdsen writes:
 > Hello there!
 > I'v been fiddling around with the Jigsaw cookie classes (in 
 > w3c.www.http) in a newly written resource, but I'v not been able to 
 > set the "SetCookie" header  in a way the next client request contains 
 > a "Cookie" header. I'v inspected the reply generated by Jigsaw, it 
 > contains:
 >  Set-Cookie: SID=123456789;Path=/something;Version=1
 > but still Netscape and MSIE just seem to disregard this attempt. I 
 > have been successfull using Jeeves but then the Set-Cookie header 
 > generated by the server looked like:
 >  Set-Cookie: SID=12345678 ; path=/something
 > Is it the "Version" that is causing my problems or ?? Is the Jigsaw 
 > cookie stuff compatible with what is today regarded as the  
 > "Netscape" cookie mechanism? Any workarounds??

I remember having done some test with Netscape at least; the Version
stuff is from the latest cookie spec, and it should be backward
compatible. I'll try it here, what version of netscape and IE were you
using ?


Received on Wednesday, 22 January 1997 10:20:11 UTC