Jigsaw GIF-loop-remove Filter

Hi all, 
I just wrote an experimental Jigsaw resource filter that removes the
Netscape loop extension from GIF images, if present. It's meant for
people who have to visit commercial sites a lot and don't enjoy having
20 endlessly looping gifs turning their screen into a madhouse. The
basic idea was that it could be used on GIF resources in proxy server.

It's at http://www.t0.or.at/~hwallnoefer/GifStopper.java

It works fine on my personal Jigsaw 1.0a3 webserver, but I don't use
Jigsaw as a proxy myself, and I'm not even sure it's possible at all to
use Jigsaw as a proxy. 
If anybody is in charge of a proxy installation and feels like trying
it, I'd be very interested in hearing about that!

hannes wallnoefer

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 1997 03:32:15 UTC