bug in Request.java

Hi all,
    I am sending this email because this address is given in the README
file of the 1.0alpha3 release of jigsaw as the place to report bugs. 
I apologize if these problems have already been reported and/or fixed.

    Here is the problem:

In src/classes/w3c/jigsaw/Request.java , the "unescape" method is broken.
It needs to add back in the 10 to account for the hex digit.  

Lines 257 & 261 contain:
	  : Character.toLowerCase ((char) ch) - 'a' ) & 0xF ;

They should say:
	  : Character.toLowerCase ((char) ch) - 'a' + 10 ) & 0xF ;

    Also, the CgiResource is unescaping the QUERY_STRING.  The cgi
specification states that the values of QUERY_STRING is "url-encoded".
    So, I commented out line 514 of src/classes/jigsaw/forms/CgiResource.java:

  // query = Request.unescape(request.getQueryString()) ;



Received on Thursday, 9 January 1997 15:50:53 UTC