Has anyone uploded using Jigsaw?

Anit Chakraborty writes:
 > Im trying to use Jigsaw to let users upload files to my
 > server.  Ive played around with the 
 > w3c.jigsaw.forms.PostFileResource.post() method.
 > I haven't had any luck.  So far, what I have tried to do is
 > insert the following lines between lines 68 and 69 of w3c.jigsaw.PostFileResource
 > and then commented out lines 69, 70, 71.
 > 	File newfile = new File("c:temp.doc");
 > 	FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(newfile);
 > 	System.out.println("reading to file stream");
 > 	while ((got = body.read(buffer)) > 0)
 > 	  outstream.write(buffer);
 > 	outstream.close();

Your code is incorrect, it should be :

 > 	  outstream.write(buffer, o, got);

btw Happy new year to all of you !

Received on Monday, 6 January 1997 06:29:03 UTC