Jigsaw a3 hanging

I've been having problems with Jigsaw when my site is getting
many simultaneous hits - specifically to CGI stuff (this is
on Solaris 2.5).

Jigsaw starts a new process so that I have two Jigsaw's running
at the same time.  Then when I try to access the site, the 
server hangs indefinitely.  I've tried killing the process with
the higher PID number, but that doesn't seem to help.  Also,
I can't get to the Admin pages to restart under these conditions.

Any ideas on how to deal with this?
Thank you. 
Nicholas Pollitt            |  If you know the enemy and know
NCSA                        |  yourself, you need not fear the 
Software Development Group  |  result of a hundred battles.
npollitt@ncsa.uiuc.edu      |  -- Sun Tzu

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 1996 19:24:27 UTC