Fundamental question about nature of jigsaw caching

I apologize in advance for the basic question, but I have read through
the jigsaw docs and am still confused.

Basically I am using jigsaw to vend a java applet, and it was
complaining about some gif images that it couldn't find.  It turns out
that our code was referring to the images with the improper case (.gif
vs .GIF), which normally would work on windows.  Anyway, I fired up the
property editor and changed the check-sensitivity property to false, and
saved the properties and restarted the server.  It worked like a charm. 
The app came up fine.

I installed a newer version of the applet and the problem came back.  I
tried switching the case-sensitivity property but that didn't help.  I
probably did something in a different order, or maybe I actually killed
the server, edited the httpd.props, and restarted it manually.  I dont

Anyway, the question I have is if jigsaw's caching could cause this
problem to linger.  If so, whats the correct way to change properties
and make sure everything is kosher?


Garrick Toubassi                   Netmosphere, Inc.
Tel: (415) 655-2039                1730 S. Amphlett Blvd.  Suite 123
Fax: (415) 655-2032                San Mateo, CA  94403

Received on Monday, 21 October 1996 20:33:08 UTC