w3c.jigsaw.filters.CounterFilter problems

Pasquale Di Feo writes:
 > I have add w3c.jigsaw.filters.CounterFilter to 
 > Overview.html on root dir. and it don't work
 > how for the previous version.
 > The counter field is not incremented !!!
 > If I access to
 > the counter is not incremented, and if I access to
 > the counter is incremented normally.
 > Why??

There is a bug in the resource editor that prevents the counter from
being updated when displayed (even when you reload it). Would this
explain your problem ? 

To make sure this is not the problem:
a) Start Jigsaw (say counter=0)
b) Go to 
c) Go to /Admin/Editor/Overview.html (counter should be 1)
d) Go to 
e) Counter will still display as 1

Restart the server (shutdown/relaunch), if counter is still 1, then
there is a bug. Hopefully I'll get the two minutes to run that


Received on Friday, 18 October 1996 08:41:46 UTC