resource problem

Martijn de Vries writes:
 > Hi,
 > I have changed my to load another resource than 
 > the default for the server's root resource. What i want to do now is have 
 > a HTTPResource on the default server root that works in a similar way as 
 > the /Admin/Editor resource. Say my resource mapped to the default server 
 > root resource is w3.jigsaw.resources.myResource and is mapped as /myResource.
 > Would it be possible having the w3.jigsaw.proxy.ProxyDirectory as the 
 > server's root resource and still have the 'local' resource on /myResource ?
 > If so, how would i set myResource up, so that requesting 
 > /myResource/a/b/c/d/e/f/g would STILL lead to /my/Resource so that i can 
 > read the /a/b/c/d/e/f part using getURLPath() from inside myResouce ?
 > (Similar to /Admin/Editor/User/Overview.html leads to /Admin/Editor resource)

In the case of the ProxyDirectory, this is simple: there is a
local-root attribute, that will be looked up when the request is
targeted explictly to the proxy itself. In general it's a good idea to
do the following:

a) create the "proxy" resource
b) set it's dlocal-root to "root"

Then you get all the /Admin stuff by querying directly the
''proxy''. For the MirrorDirectory, however, you have to use vrtual
hosts (VirtualHostResource) to acheieve the same kind of effect (ie
have the mirror on and the admin stufff on say


Received on Friday, 18 October 1996 08:16:31 UTC