Re: Configuring Jigsaw as proxy server

>What machine is the proxy to be installed on 95 - NT ?

Jigsaw is installed on my NT box. I have configured NT up with my static IP.

>What service is the ISP providing ? - Internet access for Jigsaw or your
browser ?

Just dialup PPP if that's what you mean.

Win95:Netscape (ethernet) --> NT:Jigsaw (RAS) --> ISP

>>How do I set Jigsaw alpha3 up as a proxy server?
>>I would like to connect to my ISP from a Win95 system, through a LAN to an
>>NT box, and then through RAS to my ISP. How should I configure the IP
>>addresses on the 95 and NT concidering I have only one static IP my ISP gave
>>Thanks for any help...
>>Rolande Kendal

Received on Monday, 14 October 1996 10:41:17 UTC