Re: Configuring Jigsaw as proxy server


We probably need more info to help you.

There seem to be two different questions being asked. What machine is
the proxy to be installed on 95 - NT ?

What service is the ISP providing ? - Internet access for Jigsaw or your
browser ?


Doug Marker
Internet Age Pty Ltd

Rolande Kendal wrote:
> How do I set Jigsaw alpha3 up as a proxy server?
> I would like to connect to my ISP from a Win95 system, through a LAN to an
> NTbox, and then through RAS to my ISP. How should I configure the IP
> addresses on the 95 and NT concidering I have only one static IP my ISP gave
> me
> Thanks for any help...
> Rolande Kendal

Received on Monday, 14 October 1996 04:02:07 UTC