Re: Life span of a resource

> From: Anselm Baird-Smith <>
>  > 3. Is there a method in the resource that's
>  > being called when jigsaw shuts down (for resource cleanup)?
>  > finalize() does the job, but only when
>  > garbage is collected ...
> Well, there is a mean to do that. When Jigsaw unload a resource
> (perhaps because it is shut down, or because memory is low), it runs
> through the following steps:
> a) If some of the resource attributes have been modified, it saves it
> b) If any resource locker exists for that resource, it notifies them
> In your case, you probably want to use b), by registering a resource
> locker for the resource you want to monitor. Check:
> /User/api/w3c.jigsaw.resources.ResourceLocker.html

I found a method called notifyUnload(),
in what does it differ from the lock & notify unlock
way of doing things?

anyway thank you for the help so far,
it is very much appreciated.

Koen Van Exem

Received on Monday, 7 October 1996 19:25:14 UTC