HELP: Status 302 in CgiResource

Brian Millett writes:
 > I've got a perl cgi application (foo) that has a redirec command in it.
 > The print statements that I am using are:
 > 	print "Status: 302\n";
 > 	print "Uri:\n";
 > 	print "Location:\n";
 > 	print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
 > I have foo mapped to a CgiResource, and all invocations of it work
 > like a dream.  But the "Exit" button which does the redirect just
 > causes the browser to spin.  I have to cancel/stop the connection and
 > then Jigsaw no longer responds.  I have to SIGTERM the process and
 > restart Jigsaw.  I put in some errlog print statements to do a trace
 > of the execution of the handleCGIOutput method and found the following
 > results:

Sorry for the (long) delay. I had several fires to battle against
before reaching this one. Anyway, first of, anyone using Cgiresource
should try to upgrade to java1.1 which fixes a problem with
Runtime:exec() method (next release will compile out of the box with
1.1, with some warnings though).

Next, I have used the following script:


echo "Status: 302"
echo "Content-Type: text/html"
echo "Cache-Control: no-cache"
echo "Pragma: no-cache"
echo "Location:"
echo "Hello"

Which works just fine...


Received on Friday, 27 December 1996 08:46:12 UTC