Unpickling ATTR_URL

Joel Crisp writes:
 > Hi
 > I've noticed that ATTR_URL is a computed attribute, however I've yet to
 > actually track down where it is computed... Is it a obsolete attribute ?

No it's not.

 > If not, presumably I have to overload the unpickleInstance method to
 > re-calculate it from the parent's URL and my identifier - does this have
 > to be done for any resource using it (ATTR_URL that is) ?

ContainerResource are reponsible for providing to their children (at
init time), their URL, eg in the DirectoryResource, the code looks

DirectoryResource:createDefaultResource(..) {
	Hashtable defs = new Hashtable(10) ;
	defs.put("parent", this);
	defs.put("resource-store", children) ;
	defs.put("server", getServer()) ;
	defs.put("url", getURL() + name);  // HERE !


Received on Tuesday, 3 December 1996 04:26:30 UTC