cached HTTPResource attributes

I'm looking through the HTTPResource class right now, and I've noticed that 
there are several variables for cached copies of attributes such as 
"contenttype", "contenetlength", "lastmodified", and several others.  It 
appears that these are updated by calling updateCachedHeaders(), and are set to 
null if they are outdated by setValue().  Supposedly this is provided so that 
these values can be accessed quickly without going through the attributes. 

My question is, why don't the various getContentType(), getContentLength(), 
etc. methods of HTTPResource actually use any of them?

---------=============# Jason Hoos - #=============---------
"I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that God's got
   a sick sense of humour, and when I die I expect to find Him laughing..."
                                      - Depeche Mode, "Blasphemous Rumours"

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 1996 17:47:20 UTC