Multiple Jigsaw's as user processes

Harco de Hilster writes:
 > Hi,
 > For several projects we use a httpd that runs under the user's
 > own uid/gid. That is: through some url a dedicated server is started per
 > user
 > and all other requests go to that dedicated server.
 > I've written java code that implements most of http/1.0, but
 > I would like to use Jigsaw to get a full httpd.
 > Is it in principle possible to start Jigsaw multiple times ?
 > Currently it is not:
 > w3c.jigsaw.resources.InvalidResourceException:
 > .../Jigsaw/Jigsaw/config/stores/root.idx[root]: loadResource failed.
 >         at
 > w3c.jigsaw.resources.SimpleResourceStore.loadResource(
 >         at w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd.loadRoot(
 > The problem I assume is write permission. I would like to start Jigsaw
 > without
 > the need for writing in the server directories. That would mean:
 > - no logging
 > - no caching to disk
 > - no /Admin possibilities
 > - etc.
 > Possible?

Yes, not recommeneded through:

Jigsaw no longer write config files in the directory it servers,
instead everything is written in Jigsaw/config or Jigsaw/logs

a) Check the -space command line flag (it hasn't been teste for some
   time, you may have surprised, let me know), this will allow you to
   run Jigsaw serving something else the Jigsaw/WWW
b) no caching to disk: not sure what you mean here ? 
c) no /Admin: you can always remove the /Admin by using /Admin/Editor,
   be aware that in 99% of the cases this will lead to troubles


Received on Tuesday, 12 November 1996 05:37:39 UTC