Re: Jigsaw on Macintosh

At 6:13 PM on 26/6/96, Anselm Baird-Smith wrote:

> Doug Marker writes:
>  > Re the peroformance stats - we notice they are high to start with but
>  > after a day or so drop markedly - we assume this is due to the caching
>  > techniques used ?
> Hum...I would be glad to get more infos about this. I know that with
> the Sun's JDK they are troubles with the garbage collector, and it is
> safe to run jigsaw with the asyn GC turned of (java -noasyncgc
> ...). However, I uderstand that you are not using Sun's JDK ? Could
> you tell us about what the Statics resource says about free memory ?

Could it be because java never unloads class definitions even if it has no
instances of that class in memory? Then, as people access more and more
different resources/classes they are loaded into memory and never unloaded.
Until Jigsaw is shutted down of course. If that is the reason for
performance drop, then it is not a fault of Jigsaw, but of Java runtime.

About garbage collecter, maybe Jigsaw should call it syncronously in worst
cases with System.gc()?
Ignore this comment , if it already does it.

Just a thought,

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 1996 19:25:43 UTC