Alexandre Rafalovitch writes:
 > Hi,
 > This is a small question on HTTP protocol that I think Jigsaw is not
 > implementing correctly.
 > In RFC 1945, HTTP/1.0 it states for HEAD request:
 > " There is no 'conditional HEAD' request analogous to the conditional GET.
 > If an If-Modified-Since header field is included with a HEAD request, it
 > should be ignored".
 > The default implementation does not take that into consideration, so a HEAD
 > request might well end up with NOT_MODIFIED as a responce.
 > Is that important and deserves fixing and clear statement for everybody
 > overriding HEAD or it would never break anything and is not worth thinking
 > about it?

Wow you are right ! I was too lazy to put a makeHeaders() method in
the FileResource, but I am going to do it ASAP (so that both get and
head compute fill in the initial reply through this new makeHeaders -
or whatever).


Received on Sunday, 23 June 1996 22:36:24 UTC