Loading revised resources?

Michael Altmann writes:
 > Suppose I edit the java file for a Resource that has already been installed
 > in Jigsaw.  What is the minimum needed to have the new version used on
 > subsequent server hits?
 > Thanks, Michael Altmann
 > maltmann@msmail.hsii.ccare.com

At this time nothing. It will be handled automatically by the server
(yes, it stats each file before serving them). Hopefully some day, you
will only use an HTML browser to edit your file, and use the PUT
method, in which case, Jigsaw will be able to spare a number of stat
system call.
BTW: The file resource has a 'callback' that is called when Jigsaw
detect that the underying file has changed, you can overide it - say
in a class named SignedFileResource , to reconpuyte the signature.


Received on Thursday, 20 June 1996 13:00:27 UTC