Mobile Agent Execution in Jigsaw

First of all, I'd like to say that the Jigsaw design, IMHO, is quite elegant.  The ability to 
create custom resoure types and execute an arbitrary implementation of GET, PUT, etc. is very 

I am particularly interested in support for mobile agent execution, i.e. Java classes securely 
roaming from server to server, perfoming some arbitrary task on behalf of a user.  I've noticed 
in the httpSecurityManager code that support for agent execution is planned.  I have some 
questions regarding this capability:

- How far along is the design of the agent architecture?

- Will it consist of interfaces so that we can implement our own versions of agent mobility and 
execution that adhere to a standard API?

- Will you accept suggestions and/or assistance?

Although the concept of agents roaming the Web is scary, it will happen eventually.  Java is 
the perfect environment for this and within a couple of years, according to JavaSoft's press 
releases, it will be embedded within every major operating system.  This is a good opportunity 
for a reputable organization, such as the W3C, to provide a secure, standardized agent 
framework/architecture for the Internet.  If anybody is interested, there are some interesting 
papers written for the Joint W3C/OMG Workshop on Distributed Objects and Mobile Code at  

Steven Farley

Received on Friday, 14 June 1996 10:34:37 UTC