"Document not found" msg - SLOW.


During my exploration of Jigsaw, I manage to type in wrong html more often
than right one. Of course, I receive 'Document not found' result. What is
bothering me is that it takes awfull long time for the document to finish
loading. I can see the main message 'Document not found' but the rest of
text  'Document bla not found on this server' takes about 20-30 second more
to arrive.
 If I interrupt loading I  can see all the information, but it also says
Transfer interrupted.

I checked it with  MacNetscape 2.02 as well as unix Netscape. It looks to
me, that Netscape actually times out and stops.

Any explanations?


--------| I feel as confused as a baby in a topless bar. |--------

Received on Monday, 10 June 1996 23:27:11 UTC