Thinking hard

Rainer Klute writes:
 > >BTW: While you seem to think a lot these days ;-) if you have any
 > >other serious design flaws to mention, it is really the right time to
 > >speak up. =
 > Ok, you asked for it. :-)

Yep :-)

 > I think terminating the server only by getting /Admin/Exit is a =
 > bad idea. The server must be able to deal with a normal kill =

You are right, there is a problem here. The main problem - which is
why, as you mention - Jigsaw is fragile - is that they are no ways to
tell Java to execute a hook before exiting. On UNIX, for example, you
cannot catch any signals in order to do the cleanup (which is probably
what you would get when typing reboot). 

I will try to provide something close to write-through, since this is
(unfortunately) the only way to deal with it. (probably a separate thread
waiting on config writes, which would save the stores ...)

Thanks for the feedback,

Received on Friday, 9 August 1996 10:06:00 UTC