Advice on Extending Jigsaw?

Dr. Baird-Smith, et. al.:

I'm working on an extension to Jigsaw that would allow a hierarchy of
information to be accessed from the server.  In the model we are using,
some resources are collection resources, and others are terminal or "leaf"
resources.  Similar to a directory/file structure, except that the leaf
objects are not necessarily physical entities, but rather may be
generated/synthesized on the fly from metadata.

Right now, I'm in the early stages of testing our idea, and I've designed
two classes, both of which inherit from FilteredResource.  Much like
DirectoryResource, my TestContainer class makes use of a
SimpleResourceStore to keep track of its children.  (I have, in fact, used
the DirectoryResource code as a model in constructing my TestContainer
class.  Note that TestContainer does _not_, however, inherit from

In order to test these classes, I've placed them in the appropriate
locations in the Jigsaw hierarchy, and found that clicking the
"AddingResources" link will not allow me to add an instance of my
TestContainer resource to the server's information space.

Am I right in concluding that I need to develop my own Editor and
AddHandler classes (like DirectoriesEditor and DirectoriesAddHandler)?  I
could use a word or two of advice as to the best way to go about this, as I
can't find a whole lot of documentation on this part of the Jigsaw API.

Thanks very much.

|    Dave Makower     |   |   WWW Specialist    |
|     Co-author of "Java Programming Basics" (Henry Holt/MIS:Press)   |
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Received on Wednesday, 7 August 1996 17:25:35 UTC