Re:Date on Jigsaw

Alexandre Rafalovitch writes:
 > At 5:16 AM 2/8/96, Nick Pollitt wrote:
 > >In my Jigsaw log files, the month is off by 1 - July logs
 > >are written as [30/6/1996:16:5:36 +5] and August logs are
 > >written as [1/7/1996:14:12:54 +5].  Is there any way I can
 > >fix this.  The OS produces the correct time with the 'date'
 > >command.
 > It is my belief, that Anselm knows about this bug (feature?) and it is
 > going to be fixed in the next release.

Yes it's already done, along with some other date related bugs.


Received on Friday, 2 August 1996 08:26:46 UTC