Filters - Exit

Pasquale Di Feo writes:
 > Is right the use of ingoingFilter() and outgoingFilter() together??
 > If yes, becouse the first time in outgoingFilter() the func. 
 > reply.openStream() work fine and the next times return null value????
 > If I use only outgoingFilter() there isn't problems.

I am not sure I undertsand your problem. Yes, ingoing and outgoing are
meant to be used together. However if you consume a stream at one
point without replacing it (by using setStream), then whoever else
wants to access the stream will get into troubles. Do you have any
more details ?

 > Why the w3c.jigsaw.status.ExitStat kill only httpd and not the entire
 > application??

It's the idea, yes. Basically you should be able to think of Jigsaw as
a library too.


Received on Tuesday, 16 July 1996 09:58:24 UTC