Strange Jigsaw Behaviour under Win95 - Solution -

Here's *at least* a Subject change:

So What was the problem with W95 ???

As Anselm pointed out:

> There is a bug in netscape 2.0 and keep alive connections. When Jigsaw
> emits an error, Netscape (<= 2.x hangs badly). If you're using 2.0 you
> might consider upgrading to 3.0 (which is better anyway), or turn the
> Jigsw keep-alive flag to false.

Well, this bug seems to be present in Netscape Atlas Prerelease 2, and
the Internet Explorer 2.0; wich claims to be Navigator 1.22 compatible
(it inherited the same bug. Really Impressive!).

Turning off the keep-alive flag fixed this problem. (If I knew before...)

And that's what I think it happened: (pretty impressive)

Jigsaw Emmited an error --> The browser thinks there's some *critical* thing on
the server and tries to close his output stream (I suppose that's where GET, and 
POST commands go).

Open question:
So why looks like the browser is *still* searching or receiving data ???
Msie 2.0 Reports something like it's Getting the URL. What does it mean ??
Is Jigsaw sending data and the browser doesn't know it: remenber error meant
that the brouser had his output stream closed.

Thank you folks for spending your time reading those boring postings
about esoteric bugs.

I~nigo Gonzalez Ponce ;
Snail: Juan Diges Anton 27 6C 19003 Guadalajara (Spain)
Home : +34 49 224 656 <remember GMT+01> .._O-)

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 1996 13:38:19 UTC