Re:A small help reqd..

> Look at:
> Which contains a complete example of subclassing the PostableResource
> [For some reasons, my mail wasn't archives :-(] Also the code of
> PostableResource itslef diusplay th elist of available variables, you
> may want to look at it.
> Anselm.
	This code handles the form responses. I do not want that. I want to
read a form from the disk, find out the default values by querying some application
and then fill-up the appropriate values and then send the resulting html file
to the browser
Hope my requirements are clear.
	I want to avoid one transaction from the browser to the server. I 
wanted to know if the code for this was available. 
	I have also extended PostableResource to do non-trivial stuff and it

- Hari
Harihara Vinayakaram.N           A monsoon 
Senior Software Engineer                                 is a 
Wipro Infotech                                           French gentleman

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 1996 10:49:37 UTC