ReverseString [Was: An example for PostableResource wanted]

Anselm Baird-Smith writes:
 > Mark I. Lubin writes:
 > Here is a simple shot at the ReverseString resource ( I haven't
 > compiled it, I will just try writing it). Lets' say we will put this
 > resource in class w3c.jigsaw.contrib.ReverseString, so here it goes:

[Sory to follow up on my own mail]

I just tried the resource at home, it works fine. After installing it,
you have to trigger it by pointing your browser to 


where reverse is the name under which you intsalled the resource, and
XYZ is the string to reverse. You can alos do the following:

a) create the file rform.html:
    <html> <form method="POST" action ="rform.html">
           <input type="text" name="string"> </form> </html>

b) Index the above file throug the ReverseString resource.

It should work throiugh the form itself.


Received on Sunday, 7 July 1996 21:36:58 UTC