virtual hosting

Bruce Nelson writes:
 > Has anyone tried to find a way to get virtual hosting to work ? 
 > I want to be able to bind host-ip.port instead of  *.port. I figured 
 > out that I couldn't configure it in... so I went looking at the 
 > source. I can see where it could happen but* leaves me without
 > a solution.  Is there something I am missing ?

Noiw it's not supported yet. The way I will implement it (if no one
does it before me), is to have a special RootResource class, which
will know (through lookup) how to map virtual hosts to
DirectoryResource. This will also require being able to "clone" an
instance of httpd in order to have multiple threads running the accept
calls (one per virrtual host).

Hopefully in the mid-August release....


Received on Friday, 5 July 1996 13:16:09 UTC