directory indexing

Mark I. Lubin writes:
 > I could not get my directories indexed. File .jigidx is not created.
 > And , running the following from root directory ( see nice trick mail)
 > gives
 > cmt{Jigsaw/WWW}247 : java w3c.jigsaw.resources.SimpleResourceStore
 > .jigidx
 > w3c.jigsaw.resources.AttributeHolderInitException: implementation bug.

It looks like some funny things  have happenend to your .jigidx
file. I would recommend copying the distribution
Jigsaw/Jigsaw/WWW/Admin/.jigidx file into your own directory.

BTW .jigidx files get write only when Jigsaw decides to do so, which
will generally be shitdown time for you ...


Received on Thursday, 4 July 1996 00:30:23 UTC