Re: Solved : Re: a NumberFormatException

Aliza Lila wrote:
> The new compiled isaviz.jar file didn't solve the problem, but 
> installing a an older version of GraphViz did solve it. I installed 
> graphviz-2.0.exe
> Thank you for your help.


> After a long day of getting Sesame 2 alpha 3 to work (unsuccessfully 
> upto this point) it's good to have at least one thing working as it 
> should ;-)
> BTW You wouldn't happen to know how to solve the error: missing class in 
> javax/servlet/http/httpservlet, when loading the sesame plugin?  Because 
> i'm not able to load rdf from my sesame server ;-(

Are you talking about the Sesame plugin for IsaViz? If so, I'm not sure 
it is still working with IsaViz 3.0-alpha. But the error you are 
mentioning does not sound like an IsaViz-related issue. When does it happen?

Emmanuel Pietriga
INRIA Futurs - Projet In Situ    tel : +33 1 69 15 34 66
Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud    fax : +33 1 69 15 65 86
91405 ORSAY Cedex FRANCE

Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:36:59 UTC