[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2024-06-20


text version:

                              – DRAFT –
            Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

20 June 2024

    [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

       [3] https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-i18n-irc


           addison, atsushi, Fuqiao, JcK, Richard


           Addison Phillips



     1. [4]Agenda Review
     2. [5]Action Items
     3. [6]Info Share
     4. [7]RADAR Review
     5. [8]HTML Ruby Extensions review
     6. [9]Publishing Urdu gap analysis doc
     7. [10]AOB?
     8. [11]Summary of action items
     9. [12]Summary of resolutions

Meeting minutes

   Agenda Review

    [checking agenda items]

   Action Items

    <addison> #106

    <gb> [13]Action 106 write to ietf group about rfc9457 (on
    aphillips) due 2024-06-20

      [13] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/106

    addison: got responce from area director, will reply shortly

    <addison> #104

    <gb> [14]Action 104 follow up on action#4 by writing an email
    (on aphillips) due 2024-06-13

      [14] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/104

    <addison> #105

    <gb> [15]Action 105 Review
    s (on r12a) due 2024-06-13

      [15] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/105

    <addison> #103

    <gb> [16]Action 103 Migrate RADAR project (on aphillips)

      [16] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/103

    addison: you may noticed, new one is generated
    … URL has been changed

    addison: old URL redirected or sticked?

    addison: seems sticked to old

    xfq: old and new are both existing, different URLs

    <addison> close #103

    <gb> Closed [17]issue #103

      [17] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/103

    <addison> #102

    <gb> [18]Action 102 ping alreq group to review our
    i18n-activity#1620 (on aphillips) due 2024-05-30

      [18] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/102

    <addison> [19]i18n-activity#1620

      [19] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1620

    <gb> [20]Issue 1620 [focusgroup] i18n: should arrow key
    navigation follow text direction? (by w3cbot) [close?]
    [tracker] [needs-attention] [s:open-ui] [cg:open-ui]

      [20] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1620

    <addison> close #102

    <gb> Closed [21]issue #102

      [21] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/102

    <addison> #101

    <gb> [22]Action 101 research what if anything to do with
    dpub-pagination comments and old DPIG comments (on xfq) due

      [22] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/101

    xfq: guess, bring this as a topic in community group
    … no one is editing nor understand this document within W3C
    … need to figure out that point
    … could i18n take

    addison: except one point, could be taken

    r12a: lreq document targets not only web pages but ones like

    addison: many of lreqs are script basis

    xfq: no orthography notes for European language in latain?

    <xfq> [23]https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-latinreq/

      [23] https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-latinreq/

    xfq: dpub Latin is in WD above

    addison: we could ask them to link to ours lreq

    <addison> action; addison: reply to pub folk about updating
    dpub-latinreq to point to our (new) document

    <addison> close #101

    <gb> Closed [24]issue #101

      [24] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/101

    ACTION: addison: reply to pub folk about updating dpub-latinreq
    to point to our (new) document

    <gb> Created [25]action #109

      [25] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/109

    ACTION: r12a: create new latin lreq document to host dpig

    <gb> Created [26]action #110

      [26] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/110

    <addison> #98

    <gb> [27]Action 98 fix code points examples in
    lang-bidi-use-cases (on r12a) due 2024-05-23

      [27] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/98

    <addison> close #98

    <gb> Closed [28]issue #98

      [28] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/98

    r12a: published

    <addison> #96

    <gb> [29]Action 96 evaluate and where necessary fix
    i18n-glossary#76 (on r12a) due 2024-05-02

      [29] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/96

    addison: sent PR but not yet merged

    <addison> close #96

    <gb> Closed [30]issue #96

      [30] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/96

    addison: usually we wrote paragraph in one line, but was hard
    to comment on github
    … style change

    r12a: could be turned into ugly at later moment

    <xfq> CSS specs use [31]https://sembr.org/

      [31] https://sembr.org/

    addison: xfq pointed semantic breaks

    xfq: personally prefer soft wrap, but could work both

    addison: revisit little future

    <addison> #93

    <gb> [32]Action 93 create best practices for consumers in
    string-meta (on aphillips) due 2024-04-25

      [32] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/93

    <addison> #90

    <gb> [33]Action 90 steal some of henri's text from
    scroll-to-text-fragment for string-search (on aphillips) due

      [33] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/90

    <addison> #89

    <gb> [34]Action 89 update i18n specs to support dark mode (on
    xfq) due 2024-04-18

      [34] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/89

    xfq: still blocked by respec

    <addison> #79

    <gb> [35]Action 79 schedule a follow-up call with WHATNOT in
    ~April (on aphillips) due 2024-03-07

      [35] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/79

    <addison> #78

    <gb> [36]Action 78 compare infra to i18n-glossary export list
    and report back (on aphillips) due 2024-03-07

      [36] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/78

    addison: follow up call next week

    <addison> #33

    <gb> [37]Action 33 Close issues marked `close?` or bring to WG
    for further review (on aphillips)

      [37] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/33

    <addison> #8

    <gb> [38]Action 8 Follow up on the status of Canvas and
    formatted text (on aphillips) due 18 Jul 2023

      [38] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/8

    <addison> #7

    <gb> [39]Action 7 Remind shepherds to tend to their awaiting
    comment resolutions (Evergreen) (on aphillips, xfq, himorin,
    r12a, bert-github) due 18 Jul 2023

      [39] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/7

    <addison> #4

    <gb> [40]Action 4 Work with respec and bikeshed to provide the
    character markup template as easy-to-use markup (on aphillips,
    r12a) due 27 Jul 2023

      [40] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/4

   Info Share

    xfq: we also use github project for article, translation,
    gap-analysis pipelines
    … will migrate all into new one

    xfq: have updated links to article pipeline
    … will update remaining

    r12a: new character interface

   RADAR Review

    <addison> [41]https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/91/views/1

      [41] https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/91/views/1

    addison: no new incoming request

    addison: agenda item for html-ruby extension

    addison: filed a issue for device-posture

    addison: manifest colleagues starts working on that, and call
    … will help on language definition and direction

    <addison> [42]i18n-activity#1872

      [42] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1872

    <gb> [43]Issue 1872 Proposal: Per-extension language
    preferences (by w3cbot) [pending] [tracker] [s:webextensions]

      [43] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1872

    <addison> [44]i18n-activity#1871

      [44] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1871

    <gb> [45]Issue 1871 Align on properly formed language tags (by
    w3cbot) [pending] [tracker] [s:webextensions]

      [45] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1871

    xfq: they seem to have updates on these, will check

   HTML Ruby Extensions review

    <addison> [46]i18n-activity#1869

      [46] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1869

    <gb> [47]Issue 1869 Various typos (by r12a) [pending]
    [non-I18N] [s:html-ruby-extensions] [wg:htmlwg]

      [47] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1869

    r12a: this one already fixed

    <addison> [48]i18n-activity#1868

      [48] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1868

    <gb> [49]Issue 1868 Are line breaks in examples ok? (by r12a)
    [pending] [s:html-ruby-extensions] [wg:htmlwg]

      [49] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1868

    r12a: we have changed examples to include line breaks

    addison: there were discussion on CSS feature

    xfq: most does not contain, but some, yes.

    addison: any objections

    <addison> [50]i18n-activity#1867

      [50] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1867

    <gb> [51]Issue 1867 Mention that ruby is not just for
    educational use (by r12a) [pending] [s:html-ruby-extensions]

      [51] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1867

    <addison> [52]i18n-activity#1866

      [52] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1866

    <gb> [53]Issue 1866 Need to explicitly mention the default
    placement of ruby with 2 sets of annotations (by r12a)
    [pending] [s:html-ruby-extensions] [wg:htmlwg]

      [53] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1866

    r12a: double sided ruby, what happens when CSS is applied

    <addison> [54]i18n-activity#1865

      [54] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1865

    <gb> [55]Issue 1865 Describe cases where jukugo ruby is not
    like group ruby (by r12a) [pending] [s:html-ruby-extensions]

      [55] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1865

    r12a: jlreq sometimes tell jukugo is difficult
    … wanted to leave enough space for examples

    [questions on example 8]

    <xfq> [Discussions on the line breaking behaviour of jukugo

    r12a: would want to remove examples with changing font size,
    esp. Figure 3 Ruby sized at 60%

    r12a: will write some text into this pending issue on this

    <addison> [56]i18n-activity#1864

      [56] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1864

    <gb> [57]Issue 1864 Bopomofo ruby on the right in horizontal
    text is the norm, not just frequent (by r12a) [pending]
    [s:html-ruby-extensions] [wg:htmlwg]

      [57] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1864

    addison: wording change for bopomofo position

    <addison> [58]i18n-activity#1863

      [58] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1863

    <gb> [59]Issue 1863 Add rb>rt>rb>rt example code to Example 1
    (by r12a) [pending] [s:html-ruby-extensions] [wg:htmlwg]

      [59] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1863

    r12a: it's for markup model, on rt and rb
    … rb/rt/rb/rt model is effective
    … and all three model should be shown here

   Publishing Urdu gap analysis doc

    r12a: urdu gap-analysis publishing

    <addison> proposed: approve urdu gap analysis as FPWD group


    <addison> +1

    <xfq> <xfq> +1

    <r12a> +1

    RESOLUTION: publish urdu gap-analysis as FPWD

    <r12a> [60]https://www.w3.org/International/alreq/gap-analysis/




Summary of action items

     1. [61]addison: reply to pub folk about updating dpub-latinreq
        to point to our (new) document
     2. [62]r12a: create new latin lreq document to host dpig

Summary of resolutions

     1. [63]publish urdu gap-analysis as FPWD

Received on Friday, 21 June 2024 05:45:41 UTC