RE: [Encoding] false statement

Anne proposed:
# Historically many encodings had their names and labels (and sometimes
# references to specifications) defined in the IANA Character Sets registry.
# This specification supplants that registry.

... using "supplants" instead of "obsoletes".

 1 :  to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery
 2a:  (1) obsolete :  uproot (2) :  to eradicate and supply a substitute for <efforts to supplant the vernacular>
 2b:  to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power

2b "This specification serves as a substitute for that registry." is ok, although "especially by reason of superior excellence or power" is a discussion point, since this specification has superior excellence in some ways and inferior in others.
2a brings back the problem with "obsoletes".
1 would be unfortunate, and not consistent with open development.

"This specification is the first step in a plan <citation> to supplant that registry."
.... and make up a credible plan. Truth and leadership.


Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2014 02:00:38 UTC